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Addiction, Music

Looking at Where the Pain Comes From

Zachary Cole Smith is the lead singer of the Brooklyn based DIIV. In 2019 they unveiled a song, “Skin Game,” the first single from their album Deceiver.

In a statement, Smith described the song as “an imaginary dialogue between two characters, which could either be myself or people I know.” Smith added that the song was inspired by his recent stints in rehab facilities and the experience of coming to grips with addiction and recovery.

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Why Does Music Taste Feel So Personal?

Imagine the following scenario. Your crush approaches you while you’ve been minding your own business. With a glowing smile on their face they ask you what kind of music you’re listening to. You’re shocked that someone else could find interest in Merzbow. As you take out your headphones the tv static immediately begins to pour out. The room fills with squeals and a low drone. Your crush doesn’t even try to give Merzbow a fair shot. They immediately figure you’re some crazed lunatic and they withdraw from the area. Would this experience hurt you?

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