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man tattooed praying

Soliloquy pt.2

You were the echo of false hope, the mirage of escape. Cradling me in your false security. Yet, how deep the wound you carved into my heart. How you stripped away my true self until all that remained was a hollow shell.

In my weakest of moments I looked to you for sanctuary. It was you who betrayed me. Turning every fleeting high into an infinite freefall. With every dose, a promise of ceasefire we made. Only to continue the war the very next day.

My mind ensnared by your poisoned hands. My heart a prisoner of your cold, unfeeling grasp. A paradox of pleasure and pain. How long must I endure this torment of my own making?

Desperate I am for the strength to cast you aside. I wish I could reclaim the fragments of my shattered relationships. When I garner the strength to rise from this desolate pit you’ve dug with such precision, I falter. So here I stand, a mournful witness to my own ruin.

I weep for the life you have stolen and the love you have devoured. I fear I may never reclaim who I once was. My cruel companion, my heart’s undoing. How I wish to break free from your death grip and find the solace I deserve.